UCSF Neuro and Musculoskeletal Imaging - Series 442
Monday, May 16, 2022 - Thursday, May 15, 2025

CME Provider:
UCSF Radiology › Continuing Education 521 Parnassus Ave - S257 San Francisco, California (CA) 94143-0628 United States
Phone: 415-476-5731 Fax: 415-476-9213
Visit the CME Provider Webpage ›
A review of the neuro and musculoskeletal systems utilizing CT and MRI.
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UCSF Neuro Faculty: Christine Glastonbury, MBBS; Vinil Shah, MD; Leo Sugrue, MD PhD. UCSF Skeletal Faculty: Matthew Bucknor, MD; Kevin McGill, MD MPH; Lynne Steinbach, MD. Guest Skeletal Faculty: Ramya Srinivasan, MD - Wilcox Medical Center, Kauai.
CME Credit:
Physicians: 22.25 Hours
Self Assessment Module (SAM):
Specialty Audience:
RADLIST Course #24480