SRU 30th Annual Meeting (Online Streaming & DVD-ROM)
Thursday, January 7, 2021 - Saturday, January 6, 2024

CME Provider:
Meetings By Mail › Gregg Savarese 611 Route 46 West 4th Floor Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey (NJ) 07604 United States
Phone: (973) 989-0914 Fax: (201) 727-1529
Visit the CME Provider Webpage ›
For three decades, the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU) have promoted the science, practice and teaching of sonography for optimal care. Delivered in the face of a pandemic, the SRU 30th Annual Meeting features the latest ultrasound applications, techniques and guidance. Fifty five world renowned experts cover all major areas of sonography, including newest advances, imaging protocols and professional development. As such, the SRU 30th Annual Meeting is an essential resource for all that are interested in this constantly evolving modality. This activity is worth 23.75 AMA PRA Category I Credits™, which are all applicable to ABR Self Assessment CME requirement for Maintenance of Certification (MOC). Additionally, the SRU 30th Annual Meeting fulfills the ACR CMErequirement for accreditation in Ultrasound.
Topics: Obstetric, gynecologic, musculoskeletal, genitourinary, vascular, pediatric, interventional, artificial intelligence, ultrasound contrast, professional development and much more.
Visit the CME Course Webpage ›
Course Directors Mark Lockhart, MD, MPH Course Chair University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jason Wagner, MD Vice Chair University of Oklahoma
Faculty includes 55 globally acclaimed thought leaders in ultrasound
CME Credit:
Physicians: 23.75 Hours
Radiologic Technologists: 23.75 Hours
Self Assessment Module (SAM):
Specialty Audience:
Obstetrics / Gynecology Pediatrics Radiology
RADLIST Course #23441